What’s new?
We always aim to keep up to date and bring you the latest news and developments in the diabetes world along with new our new initiatives. Find out more here…
Statement on Role Substitution of Registered HCP in Diabetes
A collaborative statement detailing why any new role within in the diabetes MDT must be based on defined parameters of contribution, in line with nationally agreed competency frameworks.
Published July 2024
Hybrid Closed Loop Webinars
If you missed our live webinars with Prof Partha Kar in November 2023 and September 2024, catch up here!
DSN Forum Podcasts
Hear about the hot topics hitting the diabetes headlines across med twitter and the DSN Forum online spaces. We also have special edition and subject specific podcasts ‘to go’.
New episodes every few weeks…
Type 1 Decision Support Tool
This leaflet is for people with type 1 diabetes. It can help you decide between the different technologies available to manage diabetes. You should go through this leaflet and then talk to your diabetes team.Description goes here
Diabetes Event Calender
Dont miss out on the conferences and awareness weeks happening in the diabetes world. We will keep it up to date but if you notice one missing let us known and we will update it
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